We have some exciting things to come!
Hi everyone,
if this is your first visit, welcome to Dorset Trichology's site, or if you are a regular visitor, thank you and welcome back.
At last I am getting the chance to start communicating with you more frequently. We have some exciting things to come so keep an 'eye out'.
I am Gina and yes I am the Trichologist. I like to pronounce it "try-chology' rather than 'trick-hology" for obvious reasons.
We are going to keep you in touch with the world of hair science and anything hair related. Please feel free to interact, like, hate or if you'd like to comment or quizz us, please do.
We've been a little slow getting through our ambitious list and jumping into action this year, everything in our world was put on hold. It takes a hard blow to ones precious life when faced with the realisation of just how precious our lives are. We've been to hell and back, we walked on the shadow of death and count our blessings that we are still fighting fit and ready for the second round.
As a Trichologist I take a look at the whole you, not just your hair. Its the hair bulb that gets its nourishment from your diet. What you put into your body, what you quench your thirst with all plays an important role.
So there's lots of exciting factors we plan to share with you.
Know that you don't have to struggle on your own. I can help you get a better understanding and a solution to your hair and scalp problems